Our Pain-Relief and Treatment Methods

Chiropractic Adjustments
Our chiropractic adjustments begin with feeling the motion throughout your spine to detect any joints that may not be moving correctly. Once the issue has been located, we apply a high velocity, low amplitude thrust in the restricted region which results in a release of air and fluid from around the joint. Adjustments are quick and painless, help improve muscular support, and increase the joint’s range of motion, while leaving you with an immediate feeling of relief.
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Soft Tissue Treatments
We employ a unique style of tissue treatment that uses deep pressure on specific muscles, tendons, fascia, and ligaments, with a variety of techniques including: pin and stretch, myofascial stripping, percussion therapy, instrument assisted mobilization, and muscle activation. Our goal is to find the right technique to ease your pain and to get your body functioning normally again.
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Dry Needling
Dry needling is a technique that uses sterile acupuncture needles to reduce pain and muscle tension while improving mobility at specific areas of the body. Trigger points, muscle spasms, and scar tissue are all examples of problems that can be treated using this type of therapy.
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Rehabilitation Exercises
We provide each patient with exercises and stretches specific to their needs. Exercises are done using body weight, free weights, resistance bands, and balance boards. These may be done in the office or at home, depending on the time and the needs of each patient.
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RockTape Application
RockTape is a kinesiology tape that causes the layers of tissue to be lifted and decompressed immediately below the skin. It improves blood and lymphatic flow to the taped area, and provides postural improvements, as well as decreased pain to the affected area.
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Other Modalities
Every patient is unique, so we may incorporate other tools and modalities in your treatment including: cervical traction, flexion distraction, percussive therapy, cupping, activator manipulation, and pelvic blocking.